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Research and Development Projects

HiperLAM Project

The HIPERLAM Project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 723879.

The Project is aimed towards SME Research and Innovation Action (RIA), with a strong emphasis upon demonstrating superior cost and speed performance in end-to-end processes featuring laser-based additive manufacturing in two key applications requiring high resolution printed conductive metallic lines, mainly laser printed RFID Antenna and Laser Fingerprinted sensors.

Oxford Lasers was responsible for two aspects of the project:

Selective Laser Sintering – Sintering is a post-process curing process which is required to convert non-fully conductive patterns comprising nanostructured materials such as metal Nano-particle conductive inks, into highly conductive ones with electrical properties comparable to the pristine material.

Laser Ablation – Where required, for example when there is a need to modify printed lines (e.g. reduce dimensions) or to remove shorts, laser patterning is used for shaping or trimming. In this case, mask imaging techniques are used to ensure straight edges are achieved. Laser shaping can also be employed to remove material from printed and sintered lines at precise locations, in order to facilitate making interconnections.

If you would like to discuss this project in detail or for more information please contact us. 

Project Timeline

November 2016 – Project Launch

October 2019 – Project Update: COLA2019 Conference, Second Poster Award for HiperLAM Project Team. (link opens in new window.)

November 2019 – Project close

Related Articles

R. Geremia, D. Karnakis, D. P. Hand “The Role of Laser Pulse Overlap in Ultrafast Thin Film Patterning” Appl. Phys. A 124, 9 (2018)  (link opens in new window)

F. Zacharatos, I. Theodorakos, P. Karvounis, S. Tuohy, N. Braz, S. Melamed, A. Kabla, F. de la Vega, K. Andritsos, A. Hatziapostolou, D. Karnakis, I. Zergioti “Selective Laser Sintering of Laser Printed Ag Nanoparticle Micropatterns at High Repetition Rates” (link opens in new window)

Further Information

More in depth project updates can be found on the dedicated project website:

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