Sample Preparation for X-Ray Microscopy (XRM)
Precision laser micromachining contract services and laser systems for the preparation of samples in nanoscale evaluations
X-ray microscopy (XRM) provides three-dimensional imaging of internal micro and nanostructures across a range of specimen types and sample sizes. High resolution 3D X-ray microscopes allows non-destructive imaging of samples for applications such as analysis of semiconductor devices, grain structures of metals in materials research and rock samples for the oil and gas exploration. Samples must be reduced in size to match the microscopes field of view and penetration depth and Oxford Lasers have developed a semi-automated sample preparation tool that efficiently performs this task.
Utilising a two-step laser process, a small sample is created from the bulk macroscopic material. Secondly, this sample is then reduced to an appropriate size for the application, typically 50 microns.
Sample preparation by laser micromachining is compatible with a range of materials from rock and ceramic, through to metals and semiconductors.
Oxford Lasers have been producing and supplying sample preparation tools for over 10 years to companies and research institutes across the globe.
If you would like more information or to request a quote, please contact us today.

Your Own Laser System?
For those organisations wishing to have an in-house tool, Oxford Lasers supplies industry and academia with our SamplePrep pre-configured laser system for their own laboratory.