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Laser Micro Welding

Glass to Glass and Glass to Metal

Laser micro welding of glass or other transparent material to dissimilar materials is a new process developed from a recent Innovate UK project (Ultraweld) which has now gained traction in an industrial setting.

Bonding metals to transparent materials is frequently needed in modern manufacturing. This laser technique, being a non-contact, high precision, high-speed process which does not require intermediate layers, provides great advantages to many industrial applications and settings.

Oxford Lasers have continued to develop expertise in this exciting area and have new ultrafast laser processes for ‘glass to glass’ and ‘glass to metal’ micro welding across a range of different material combinations with varying part size and shape. These processes are delivered using Oxford Laser Micromachining systems.

Details on the Ultraweld project can be found on the R&D project page.

We welcome any enquiries on this laser technique, whether for more information or to discuss feasibility studies. 

Related Articles

Featured in the American Ceramic Society Magazine – From Concept to Industry: Ultrafast Laser Welding. An article by Richard M Carter, Heriot-Watt University.

Featured in the Laser Systems Europe Magazine – Dissimilar material micro welding gets ready for industrial uptake. An Article by Matthew Dale, Editor of Laser Systems Europe Magazine. 

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