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Research and Development Projects

DigiPRINT Project

The 2-year DigiPRINT Project received funding from the European Union's OLAE+ transnational funding scheme.

The aim of Project DigiPRINT was to explore low temperature, maskless digital fabrication of organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs) on large area rigid and flexible substrates. Both “laser-assisted” inkjet printing (IJ) and “laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT)” of functional materials were investigated.

Project Timeline

December 2012 – Project launch

November 2014 – Project close

June 2016 – Project update: Paper published in Applied Surface Science, 374 (2016)

Related Articles

Citation: C. Florian, F. Caballero-Lucas, J.M. Fernández-Pradas, S. Ogier, L. Winchester, D. Karnakis, R. Geremia, R. Artigas and P. Serra. Printing of silver conductive lines through laser-induced forward transfer. Applied Surface Science. 374, 265-270 (2016)

Link to abstract:  (link opens in new window)

Project Partners

  • Oxford Lasers
  • CPI – Centre for Process Innovation
  • Sensofar-Tech S.L
  • Universitat de Barcelona, group of Prof.P. Serra. 

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